Thursday, June 07, 2007

Looking for New Light Action Combo

I've had a couple of Sports Authority gift cards that have been burning a hole in my pocket since my birthday, so I'm thinking of getting a light-action rod and reel to use when fishing with the kids. It should be light enough for the type of fish we get out of the canal, but I want to be able to use it for yellow tail and other near-shore species as well. I want to keep the whole thing under $100. I've asked for help from the SF Sportsman Forum also. Here are the reels under consideration:
  • Daiwa 3000: $64.99
  • Shimano Sahara 4000: $59.99

  • Okuma Epixor EF45: $69.99 (MSRP)

    This one probably won't make the cut. The cost seems high and I don't think Sports Authority caries it. They list the Okuma Epixor reels as freshwater and the only ones they have are much less than MSRP. I doubt that is the same one.
More to come as I review the rods.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

First Dolphin of the Summer

Alex suggested that I get out before the baby comes and the seas cooperated with me. I set out alone at about 10:30 AM after rigging up some ballyhoo on wire with an assortment of Island lures. I was at the inlet at around 11:00 and saw several balls of baby pilchards. I tried casting the net for some, but since I was alone it wasn't a pretty sight. I headed straight out and put the lines in the water. Since I only have three rods, I didn't bother with the outriggers, but I should have - seems that's what made the difference today. In about 750ft. of water, I finally pulled out the starboard rigger and hooked the Penn's line through it. A couple of minutes later, while reeling in another line to check the bait, the rigger pops and the Penn starts singing! Fish On! A couple of minutes later this cow is boat side and I manage the solo gaff shot.

Fresh dolphin sandwiches for lunch! I'm going to have to get a new cooler.
I'm going to have to do this more often, even if just to practice how to filet these things. Since I don't do this often, I end up hacking them up and not getting as much meat as I can from them.