Friday, June 20, 2008

Doug on Fish

A friend from work had the opportunity to come down from New Hampshire to go over an account we're transitioning so I took the chance to get him out in our ocean and onto some fish. The day started out very ugly with showers south of us and more on the radar. Being the trooper that he is, Doug gave the go-ahead so we were off. Our first strike was probably the best of the day, but unfortunately, we didn't boat the fish. Based on the screaming reel and the look I got when the fish jumped, I think it was a wahoo! It hit a big ballyhoo with a pink/blue Iland Lure skirt. Before heading in for lunch we brought in this little guy that ate a ballyhoo about the same size as he was.

On the way back from lunch, we had a dolphin double header with Doug on the cow and me on the bull. We brought both to the boat, but I lost the bull when the line got tangled on one of the rods on the gunwale! I almost dove in after the thing when I saw him swim away with my blue/white Iland Lure and the wire leader trailing from his mouth.